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Weaver, Amy

Business Technology & CIS Assistant Professor | Reynolds Hall, Room 216

Education: A.A. General Studies from Potomac State College B.S. Business Administration with a Management concentration from Frostburg State University M.A.T. Secondary Business Education from Marshall University Courses Taught: CS 101 CIS 113 BTEC 101 OSTC 222

Amy Weaver is a Business Technology Instructor at WVU Potomac State College. She holds a Master of Business Administration from West Liberty University, a Master of Arts in Teaching from Marshall University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business from Frostburg State University. Amy is also a graduate of Potomac State College. Amy serves as Unit Coordinator for the Business Department and as the Teaching and Learning Commons Faculty Associate. She was an IDEA Faculty Fellow and advocates for entrepreneurship on the PSC campus. Her passion is to encourage students to find their strengths and utilize resources to start their own businesses. Amy loves the beach and spending time with her family outdoors in the summer. As the mother of four boys, she spends most of her time at a sports complex.

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